Hortwerth's custom miniatures

What I do


I’m no master of sculpting, but I can handle two-part epoxy and wire frame pretty well, including models made completely from scratch.


Here’s where I shine, taking an existing model and turning it inside out. My sculpting skill is well up for this task, and my kitbashing and scratchbuilding is way through the roof!


I won a couple of Golden Daemons the single time I entered, and these were just my Showcase commission pieces, not ones specially made for the show. On top of that I paint Adept level mightily quick.


I built a good few display and gaming boards and am good at planning and execution of stunning terrain pieces.


Why you should choose my services
I am a wargamer too!

I sculpt, convert and paint a plethora of models and miniatures to a high level of detail. I specialize in whole unique army projects at a consistent very high level of painting. My goal always is to help create the model army you always dreamed of, the envy of fellow gamers, a head-turner that still looks ace when you inspect each and every miniature up close! My awards include Bronze Golden Daemon Poland 2007 40k Vehicle, Bronze Golden Daemon Poland 2007 40k Unit, European Single Championship 2007 Player's Choice, European Single Championship 2007 Best Army, Wojna Swiatow 2008 Player's Choice, Arena 2007 Best Hobbyist, Steam Frenzy 2009 Best Hobbyist, Arena 2010 Best Hobbyist, Best Creative Activity "Mlotek 2010".

  • Sculpting
  • Conversions
  • Painting
  • Terrain

Previous projects

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