Eldar Phantom, Cobra and Scorpion finished
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The checkers start to slowly appear… Lots of work still ahead, but I’m getting there! Next there will be a splash of colour! [pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery]
I started painting the Phantom Titan and two Eldar superheavies for the same client who ordered the last Phantom (the Armorcast one) and two Ravenants for his dark grey Eldar army. You can expect freehand checkers and nebulae as colourful touches to the overall grey of the models. As for now, I managed to get[…]
Then, I managed to paint some stuff too! I made some finishing touches on my friend’s army (he made them himself, I just helped him to get the desired look): I also painted a couple of Lictors for teh ice-world themed Tyranid force one client musters: And, strangely enough, I painted up some[…]
An epic commission, two and a half month of my total commitment from start to finish. These will round off a Showcase-level Rob’s Eldar army I painted up for him earlier. The models are now done. Here are all the pictures so you can judge them for yourself. Enjoy! The Blue Ravenant: The Purple Ravenant:[…]
I did manage to paint them up to a state I had in mind last week. There will be some minor changes and additions though… Anyways, I added purple and blue checkers to the models and painted the crew and interior. Note I still didn’t add the gloss varnish over all the gems. Here are[…]
At last, I see the end is near! Or rather the finish, or completion… The models are almost finished, with all the highlights and detailing done. What’s still to do are the colourful checkers (One ravenant will have some of the dark checkers blue, the other Ravenant purple, and the Phantom will have a mixture[…]