Titans finished… sort of.

I did manage to paint them up to a state I had in mind last week. There will be some minor changes and additions though…

Anyways, I added purple and blue checkers to the models and painted the crew and interior. Note I still didn’t add the gloss varnish over all the gems.

Here are the Phantom’s heads:

Farseer head 6.jpgFarseer head 2.jpgFarseer head 3.jpgFarseer head 4.jpg

Warrior head 1.jpgWarrior head 2.jpgWarrior head 3.jpgWarrior head 4.jpg

And the Ravenant’s heads:

Ravenant 1 heads 1.jpgRavenant 1 heads 2.jpgRavenant 1 heads 3.jpgRavenant 1 heads 4.jpg

Ravenant 2 heads 1.jpgRavenant 2 heads 2.jpgRavenant 2 heads 3.jpgRavenant 2 heads 4.jpg

Then there are some Ravenants’ armour parts with a blue glow underneath:

Ravenant shoulders 2.jpgRavenant shoulders 1.jpgRavenant hip guards 2.jpgRavenant hip guards 1.jpg

And last, there are the Phantom’s weapons:

weapon psi lance.jpgweapon pulsar.jpgweapon melta.jpgweapon lance.jpg

fist 1.jpgfist 2.jpgBroken Pulsar 2.jpgBroken Pulsar 3.jpg

Rob however considered the weapons to be too plain looking, so I added a glow effect and some checkers here and there.

Here are the whole models with added detail on the weapons:

Titans all 1.jpgPhantom 3.jpgPhantom 2.jpgPhantom 9.jpg

Phantom 4.jpgPhantom 5.jpgPhantom 6.jpgPhantom 1.jpg

And the Ravenants: purple:

ravenant purple 1.jpgravenant purple 2.jpgravenant purple 4.jpgravenant purple 5.jpg

And blue:

ravenant blue 7.jpgravenant blue 5.jpgravenant blue 3.jpgravenant blue 2.jpg

Everything is fine now, except for that he wants the “warrior” phantom head and Ravenant weapons to have some blue glow  too. And he wants some objective markers to go with the models and the army.