Weekly Desk 20: Eldar Phantom Titan and Superheavies almost done!
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I started painting the Phantom Titan and two Eldar superheavies for the same client who ordered the last Phantom (the Armorcast one) and two Ravenants for his dark grey Eldar army. You can expect freehand checkers and nebulae as colourful touches to the overall grey of the models. As for now, I managed to get[…]
So far so good, I didn’t miss any week 🙂 This week was quite short. I took a day off on Tuesday to run some errants. I managed to finish the Raven Guard Assault Squad (2 weeks for 10 models, a sluggish pace) and then I started cleaning all the enormous resin pieces. I assembled[…]
This time it’s Raven Guard Assault Squad and some more Steampunk outfit work. [pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery]
Another week passes by… I finished scouts, Dire Avengers and an Ork Warboss this week. I then started making bases for all the Raven Guard and eldar. Also, I bought a cheap top hat, bowler hat, two pairs of chopper chromed goggles and a crazy-coloured suit vest. And some oakum as a material for serious[…]
I thought I’ll start a new feature to keep me posting stuff: Weekly Desk. Instead waiting to complete the project and keeping the blog silent for a month or two, I’ll make one or two photos of the models on my desk each day and post them at the end of each week. This[…]
So I’ve been so silent again… I hate it, but I get so lazy when I see no feedback on the posts… Anyways, I painted a green brick, grey Hind and a grey buggy lately. Enjoy!